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You’ll love the Antique Marketplace!

Beautiful antiques and unusual collectibles. From the experienced collector to the weekend shopper, everyone can find something special here. Visit our store for one-of-a-kind items. Check our “just in” merchandise every day.

Don’t miss out!

We have two floors and more than 100 booths and showcases filled with…

From I-95 Heading North

Take exit 183/Hammond Street. Turn right. Stay on Hammond Street until you get to Main Street. Turn right. Antique Marketplace is at 65 Main Street, on your right. Look for the red awning.

From I-95 Heading South

Take exit 183/Hammond Street. Turn left. Stay on Hammond Street until you get to Main Street. Turn right. Antique Marketplace is at 65 Main Street, on your right. Look for the red awning.

To Park

You can park on the street for an hour. But you’ll find that’s simply not enough time to visit our store. You might want to use the Pickering Square parking garage.

Continue to the light and turn left onto Water Street. You can’t miss the garage. It’s directly ahead of you.